Friday, November 9, 2007

Todd Packer quotes at 2am

I cant sleep. Here are some quotes from the best damn traveling sales manager ever.

Todd: There’s this guy and he’s at a nymphomaniac convention and he is psyched because all these women are smokin’ hot perfect 10s except for this one woman who looks a lot like…like [points at Phyllis]
Kevin: Phyllis?
Michael: No, no, no…that crosses the line.
Todd: Ex-squeeze me?
Michael: Not you, Kevin. It’s just unwarranted. Hostile work environment Kevin.
Kevin: Well Packer said it.
Michael: No you said it. He pointed. A point is not a say. Look Kevin, we are a family here. And Phyllis is a valued member of that family…like a grandmother.
Phyllis: I’m the same age as you Michael…
Michael: I don’t know about that.
Phyllis: We’re in the same high-school class.
Michael: Well, I had a late birthday and usually September is the cutoff point…
Michael in meeting with his boss, Jan Levinson Gould
Michael: [phone rings] Oh, Todd Packer, terrific rep. Mind if I take it? [answers speakerphone] Pac-Man!
Packer: Hey you big queen!
Michael: [looks nervously at Jan] Oh...uh...that's not appropriate...
Packer: Hey so is old Godzillery coming in today?
Michael: I don't know...I don't know what you mean.
Packer: Look, I've been meaning to ask her one question. Does the carpet match the drapes?
Michael: Oh my God! Oh...that's...horrifying...[to Jan] horrible, horrible person.

Todd: [sneaking up behind Michael] What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom? This guy!!!

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