Wednesday, November 7, 2007

11 Favorite South Park Episodes (make that 16+)

Not in any particualr order and yes I know my last blog contained a list too. Sweet.

  1. "Starvin Marvin" Episode 9. It's what got me hooked on South Park. I can remember being in grade school taping episodes and watching them over and over again with my friends in between looking at Playboys giggling at boobs. What a life that was.

  2. "Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls" Episode 22. The name says it all.

  3. "Gnomes" Episode 30. An ear;y episode about absoluting fucking nothing and had nothing to do with anything. As the years go on this is a common theme, especially the recent years. Tweek is also first introduced.

  4. "Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub" Episode 39. Randy Marsh is one of my favorite characters on the show. This is one of the reasons why.

  5. "Cartman Joins NAMBLA" Episode 53. North American Man/Boy Love Association.
  6. "Cripple Fight" Episode 67. Does it get any better than Timmy vs. Jimmy?

  7. "Scott Tenorman Must Die" Episode 69. Cartman feeds Scott Tenorman's dead parents in chili while Radiohead laughs at him. Is this really a tv show?

  8. "Towlie" Episode 73. A new icon for stoners everywhere is born.

  9. "Krazy Kripples" Episode 98. Once again there is nothing better than Timmy and Jimmy. This time they join gangs.

  10. "Up the Down Steroid" Episode 113. Jimmy using steroids + Cartman acting as a retard = pure fucking gold.

  11. "The Jeffersons" Episode 117. No one is off limits. Not even Michael Jackson.

  12. "Goobacks" Episode 118. They took our jeeeeeeeerbs.

  13. "Cartman's Incredible Gift" Episode 124. Cartman as a psychic detective

  14. "Die Hippie Die" Episode 127. Hippies suck, Cartman is gold again.

  15. "The Losing Edge" Episode 130. Randy Marsh again is my favorite character. "This is America"
  16. ALL OF SEASON 10 and 11. There are so many great episodes minus only a few. Some examples of greatness: Smug Alert, A Million Little Fibers, ManBearPig, Tsst, Hell on Earth 2006, The Snuke, Night of the Living Homeless, Imaginationland Trilogy. Im much more partial the the episodes relationg to current events as you can see. Thats why I fucking love the newer seasons because they keep on ripping apart everyone. Conservatives, Liberals, Gays, Straights; it doesnt matter to them.

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