Wednesday, November 7, 2007

5 Songs at your Funeral

taken from High Fidelity...

  1. Ripple - The Grateful Dead, There is no other song that I would rather have at my funeral than this song. It is the end all be all.
    Ripple in still water/When there is no pebble tossed/Nor wind to blow
  2. I Shall be Released - Bob Dylan & The Band, Is there a better combo then Bobby D and the Band? If you disagree go watch The Last Waltz when Dylan is playing and then kill yourself and we will play this song at your funeral.
    Any day now, any day now/I shall be released.
  3. Standing on the Moon - The Grateful Dead, Yeah I fucking know its another Grateful Dead song. I would have all GD songs at my funeral but I don't want people thinking I was a worthless hippie.
    He's gone and nothings gonna bring him back/He's gone
  4. In My Life - The Beatles, John Lennon is a lyrical genius. He's the only reason why the Beatles were as big as they were. Its too bad Yoko fucked him so much.
    In my life/I love you more
  5. Thriller - Michael Jackson, When they are carrying me out of the church. Why not? It doesn't have to be all emotional and shit the entire time. Everyone could be dancing out and go get fucked up afterwards.
    Waiting for the time when I can finally say/That this has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way

Post your comments...I wanna know your thoughts.

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