Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day Man/Night Man

The best scene from Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Day Man/Night Man. Fucking genius.

And now some of my favorite quotes...

Frank: I did not go to Vietnam and watch a lot of good men die just for scum like you to take away my freedom!
Sweet Dee: You went to Vietnam in 1993... to open up a sweatshop!
Frank: ...and a lot of good men died in that sweatshop!
Charlie: Why don't I strap on my job helmet, and squeeze into a job cannon, and fire off to jobland, where jobs grow on jobbies!
Charlie: Here's a confession: I'm in love with a man. What? I'm in love with a man... a man named God. Does that make me gay? Am I gay for God? You betcha.
Charlie: If you're good today, I'm gonna buy you anything that you want... anything in the world, alright? [Tommy spits on Charlie] Oh my god! I will smash your face into a... into a jelly!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The US and rest of the world.

Cool pic.

Todd Packer quotes at 2am

I cant sleep. Here are some quotes from the best damn traveling sales manager ever.

Todd: There’s this guy and he’s at a nymphomaniac convention and he is psyched because all these women are smokin’ hot perfect 10s except for this one woman who looks a lot like…like [points at Phyllis]
Kevin: Phyllis?
Michael: No, no, no…that crosses the line.
Todd: Ex-squeeze me?
Michael: Not you, Kevin. It’s just unwarranted. Hostile work environment Kevin.
Kevin: Well Packer said it.
Michael: No you said it. He pointed. A point is not a say. Look Kevin, we are a family here. And Phyllis is a valued member of that family…like a grandmother.
Phyllis: I’m the same age as you Michael…
Michael: I don’t know about that.
Phyllis: We’re in the same high-school class.
Michael: Well, I had a late birthday and usually September is the cutoff point…
Michael in meeting with his boss, Jan Levinson Gould
Michael: [phone rings] Oh, Todd Packer, terrific rep. Mind if I take it? [answers speakerphone] Pac-Man!
Packer: Hey you big queen!
Michael: [looks nervously at Jan] Oh...uh...that's not appropriate...
Packer: Hey so is old Godzillery coming in today?
Michael: I don't know...I don't know what you mean.
Packer: Look, I've been meaning to ask her one question. Does the carpet match the drapes?
Michael: Oh my God! Oh...that's...horrifying...[to Jan] horrible, horrible person.

Todd: [sneaking up behind Michael] What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom? This guy!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

American Gangster Film Review

I just watched the film. It was good, but not great. I will sum it up for you in a simple math equation.

Scarface + Training Day + The Godfather + The Departed = a movie that tries way to hard = American Gangster

Its simple math. The movie is a good story but like I said, just not great. The entire time I felt like the movie was trying to be something its not. Somehow they should of ignored every movie ever made about the mob, bad cops, drugs and then tried to make this film. If they could of done that, then this film would have been edgy and intense. Instead, no intensity or thrill and almost no drama.

3 out of 5

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

11 Favorite South Park Episodes (make that 16+)

Not in any particualr order and yes I know my last blog contained a list too. Sweet.

  1. "Starvin Marvin" Episode 9. It's what got me hooked on South Park. I can remember being in grade school taping episodes and watching them over and over again with my friends in between looking at Playboys giggling at boobs. What a life that was.

  2. "Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls" Episode 22. The name says it all.

  3. "Gnomes" Episode 30. An ear;y episode about absoluting fucking nothing and had nothing to do with anything. As the years go on this is a common theme, especially the recent years. Tweek is also first introduced.

  4. "Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub" Episode 39. Randy Marsh is one of my favorite characters on the show. This is one of the reasons why.

  5. "Cartman Joins NAMBLA" Episode 53. North American Man/Boy Love Association.
  6. "Cripple Fight" Episode 67. Does it get any better than Timmy vs. Jimmy?

  7. "Scott Tenorman Must Die" Episode 69. Cartman feeds Scott Tenorman's dead parents in chili while Radiohead laughs at him. Is this really a tv show?

  8. "Towlie" Episode 73. A new icon for stoners everywhere is born.

  9. "Krazy Kripples" Episode 98. Once again there is nothing better than Timmy and Jimmy. This time they join gangs.

  10. "Up the Down Steroid" Episode 113. Jimmy using steroids + Cartman acting as a retard = pure fucking gold.

  11. "The Jeffersons" Episode 117. No one is off limits. Not even Michael Jackson.

  12. "Goobacks" Episode 118. They took our jeeeeeeeerbs.

  13. "Cartman's Incredible Gift" Episode 124. Cartman as a psychic detective

  14. "Die Hippie Die" Episode 127. Hippies suck, Cartman is gold again.

  15. "The Losing Edge" Episode 130. Randy Marsh again is my favorite character. "This is America"
  16. ALL OF SEASON 10 and 11. There are so many great episodes minus only a few. Some examples of greatness: Smug Alert, A Million Little Fibers, ManBearPig, Tsst, Hell on Earth 2006, The Snuke, Night of the Living Homeless, Imaginationland Trilogy. Im much more partial the the episodes relationg to current events as you can see. Thats why I fucking love the newer seasons because they keep on ripping apart everyone. Conservatives, Liberals, Gays, Straights; it doesnt matter to them.

5 Songs at your Funeral

taken from High Fidelity...

  1. Ripple - The Grateful Dead, There is no other song that I would rather have at my funeral than this song. It is the end all be all.
    Ripple in still water/When there is no pebble tossed/Nor wind to blow
  2. I Shall be Released - Bob Dylan & The Band, Is there a better combo then Bobby D and the Band? If you disagree go watch The Last Waltz when Dylan is playing and then kill yourself and we will play this song at your funeral.
    Any day now, any day now/I shall be released.
  3. Standing on the Moon - The Grateful Dead, Yeah I fucking know its another Grateful Dead song. I would have all GD songs at my funeral but I don't want people thinking I was a worthless hippie.
    He's gone and nothings gonna bring him back/He's gone
  4. In My Life - The Beatles, John Lennon is a lyrical genius. He's the only reason why the Beatles were as big as they were. Its too bad Yoko fucked him so much.
    In my life/I love you more
  5. Thriller - Michael Jackson, When they are carrying me out of the church. Why not? It doesn't have to be all emotional and shit the entire time. Everyone could be dancing out and go get fucked up afterwards.
    Waiting for the time when I can finally say/That this has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way

Post your comments...I wanna know your thoughts.


Hope you enjoy. This blog will be pretty much anything I fucking want it to be. Music, movies, current events, politics, hot chicks, sports, ect, ect, ect.

Who knows. Lets make some magic.